1992 Diploma as Accountant and Book-keeper, Business High School.

Languages: English and German (school knowledge).

1993 District certificate of Professional Qualification as a Make-up Artist at B.C.M. (Beauty Centre of Milan) – mark achieved: 9/10.

2006 District certificate of Professional Qualification in Aesthetics at U.N.A.S.A.S. (National School Academy of Make-up Artists for Ladies) of Milan acknowledged by Lombardia District and valid over the national territory.

1995 Seminar for professional qualification as Visagist and Dermodecorator, coordinated by Roberto Bonori.

1997 Specializing Master in Tattoo and semipermanent make-up, at Biotek of Milano.

2002 Course on Permanent Make-up held in Rome by Romeo Gorla and CIDESCO (International Aesthetics and Cosmetology Committee, Italian Section) certificate.

Seminar on Tattoo and piercing: “Sanitary approach to new fashions”, AUSL in Lugo (RA).

Certificate of First Aid Volunteering held by Croce Rossa Italiana: course on first aid and sanitary education.

2003 Certificate of attendance at CH’AN CHI CH’I course (a type of REIKI), 1st, 2nd and 3rd level.

2004 Seminar on Communication: “Psychological impact on the customer of her appearance modification through permanent make-up”, Prof. Alessandro Magnanensi.

Seminar on Dermatology: “Tattoo, cause and effects of skin decolouration, removing treatments through laser”, Doctor Sorbellini.

Meeting on social protection and tax aspects for dermopigmentators, Doctor Maria Nella Palandri, Accountant.

Seminar on “Composition and production of pigments for tattoo”, Doctor Dario Fatai, Chemist and Cosmetologist.

Seminar on: “The different types of laser and of intervention techniques to remove tattoos”, Doctor Leonardo Marini from Trieste, Dermatologist, Aesthetic Surgeon, President of the European Laser Association, University Professor.

90 hours-ASL District Course on Tattoo – Piercing – Permanent Make-up in Latin according to Circular dated 5 February1998 by the Ministry of Health on “Anatomy, Dermatology, Hygiene and infectious diseases, Chemistry, e.g…”.

2° Seminar on “Communication: tool for a professional relationship with the customer”, Prof. Alessandro Magnanensi.

Seminar: “Privacy, Hospital waste, Law n. 626, Circular n.156/1988 by the Ministry of Health on the execution of tattoo procedures in security”, C.N.A. of Milan.

Seminar on: “Art and Beauty”, Doctor Paola Butali.

2° National A.P.T.P.I. (Italian Piercers and Tattoo Artists Association) meeting, held in Arezzo.

2005 Seminar on: “Common imperfections and dermapathologies, how to identify and treat them”, Prof. Alex Gezzi, Dermatologist.

Seminar: “Analysis of the product to be used before and after treatment”, Doctor Borellini, Cosmetologist.

Seminar on: “Colour duration on skin”, Doctor Dario Fatai, Chemist and Cosmetologist.

Seminar: “Psychology: communication and analysis of the relationship between micropigmentator and customer” (1° level), Prof. Alessandro Magnanensi.

Basic and Advanced Technical Master on corrective aesthetic tattoo held in Frankfurt (Germany) by Prof. Holger Hoffmann from Goldeneye Company.

Seminar on dermatology and cosmetology at Ferrara University, by Professors Alex Gezzi e Borellini.

Advanced technical para-medical Master on camouflage of scars and areola reconstruction after mastectomy surgery,, Prof. Holger Hoffmann from Goldeneye Company.

“ABC of computer” course, 1° level, run by CNA in Forlì.

2006 Course on: “New protocols in micropigmentation treatment using alternative remedies (Phytotherapy – Oligotherapy – Homeopathy, before, during and after Micropigmentation)”, held by Doctor Katia Lorenzetto

Communication course: “Dare to sale” in Montecatini Terme, held by Doctor Marco Postiglione.

Course on: “Design and make-up for dermapigmentation”, held by Stefano Anselmo.

2007 Course on: “Hygiene procedure and prophylaxis in beauty salons”, by Doctor Catia Lorenzetto.

Course on: “Bloodless removal of tattoos using Q-Switch laser, through object lesson”, held by Doctor Michele Trevisani di Bologna.

Course on make-up for micropigmentators held by Stefano Anselmo.

2009 Certificate of Advanced Paramedical Permanent make-up (on breast and scars) course, held by Doctor Eddy M. Van Der Velden at l’IDE (Dermatologic European Institute) of Milan.

2010 Certificate of a 20-hours course on: Tattoo and piercing: hygiene and security aspects run by AUSL in Rimini.

2011 Certificate of Advanced Paramedical Permanent make-up course held in BERLIN by Joern Kluge (AMIEA), Doctor Jutta Maria Muck expert in areola (15 years’ experience) and Sonja Maria Laake, AMIEA international trainer.

2012 Certificate of Breast Dermopigmentator from the 1° National Course of Breast Dermo-pigmentation held at Treviso Hospital at “ULSS 9 Breast and Plastic Surgery Centre” of Treviso, under the patronage of LILT of Treviso and Veneto District, held by Rita Molinaro and the following doctors: Balestrieri, Berna, Buzzoni, Galvan, Gava, Ius, Baldessin, Giomo, Simonetto, Tanin, Callegaris, Fedrigo.

Certificate of Attendance at the 2° ISS (Higher Health Institute) Convention and “the National ONDICO Centre part of the National Institute of Health”, of Rome, titled: “Tattoo and Piercing” run by Doctor A. Renzoni.

2013 Certificate of Attendance at the Seminar on: “The new UE Regulation on Cosmetics”, organized by CNA “Benessere e Sanità (Wealth and Health)”, organized by ASL of Milan, Lombardia District.

2014 Certificate of Attendance at the course: “The secrets of hyperrealistic Make-up on women and men eyebrows”, held by Natalya Yeremenko and Tony Belfatto in Milan.

Certificate of Attendance at the Congress organized by Biotek in Stresa with the participation of the following number ones: Anna Savina, Yevgenia Aytas, Line Ekelund, Cristiana Causo, Andrea Perazzi, Kristina Wenninger, Andrea Pallanca, Tatjana Petraitis, Anna Zabolotnaya, Tracey Simpson, Dot. D’Addetta e.g….

Certificate of attendance at the Course on “Trichopigmentation” held in Rome by Tony Belfatto.

Certificate of attendance at the training Seminar on “technique and plastic dermopigmentation colour” held by Rita Molinaro from Clinita company and Debora Spera from Academy of Fine Arts of Buenos Aires.

Certificate of attendance at the Course on “Skin Needling and Microneedling” held in Rome by Mary Ritcherson at Annamaria Finelli’s “Hollywood & Fashion” professional firm.

Certificate of attendance at the Course “Master on Natural Lines Eyebrows” held in Rome by Mary Ritcherson at Annamaria Finelli’s “Hollywood & Fashion” professional firm.

Certificate of attendance at the Course on “C.I.T. Collagen Induction Therapy or Skin Needling” held in Rome by Victoria Ammoscato at “Hollywood & Fashion” professional firm.

2015 Certificate of attendance at the Course on “Eyebrow Microblading or Manual Technique” held in Rome by Katerina Zapletalova at “StudioSkin” professional firm.

Attestato di partecipazione al Corso di “Master Sopracciglia Natural Lines Avanzato” tenuto a Roma da Mary Ritcherson con il nuovo metodo misto macchinetta e manuale, presso “Hollywood & Fashion”.

Certificate of attendance at the Course “Advanced Master on Natural Lines Eyebrows” held in Rome by Mary Ritcherson using the recent mixed machine and manual method, at “Hollywood & Fashion”.

Certificate of attendance at the Higher Health Institute Congress on “The Practice of Piercing”.

Certificate of attendance at the Course on “Eyebrows Microblading” held by Branko
Babic in Roma on the 21st-22nd of October 2015.

Certificate by Branko Babic Microblading Academy, on the 13th December 2015, having passed all the exams forecasted.

2016 Certificate of attendance at the Course “Shadelicious” and “Shadelicious Supreme”, held by Alexandra Gorecka, 3D lip technique world leader, in Verona, on the 7th-8th February 2016.

Certificate of attendance at “All about Lips” event, with the participation of Diana Gulan, Karen Betts, Anna Maria Finelli, Rita Pelloni, Leone Di Bello in Bologna on the 11th-12th June 2016, on lips 360°


Collaboration with many professional firms of Milan for the completion of photo shoots in interior and exterior spaces (Giac Casale, Gianni Turillazzi, Roberto Conte, Giovanni Melocchi, and others).

Make-up Artist for the completion of the Tv spot published on “Il Corriere di Rimini” newspaper and in the following movies: “Due minuti per un titolo”, directed by Slavo Jurich and “L’eterno incontro” directed by the French director Michael Donio.

Make-up for the completion of shoots and covers for many magazines, among which “Top Salute (Top Health)”.

Make-up Artist at Sanremo Festival.

Make-up Artist at “GUERLAIN” boutique in Milan, Corso Magenta.

Make-up Artist at Fininvest professional firms, within many tv television broadcasts within “Artefare” Agency of Milan (Striscia La Notizia, La Sai L’Ultima, Jamin, La Ruota della Fortuna, Ok Il Prezzo è Giusto, Portati lo Spazzolino da Denti).

1995 Employed as a visagiste, dermodecorator and tattoo maker at “Intègrèe International S.p.A.”.

Dermodecorator and tattoo maker at Aesthetic, trichological and medical centres.

1998/1999 Teacher at C.F.P. (Professional Training Centre) District School of Aesthetics in Forlì.

2000 Opening of “CARPE DIEM TATTOO di Casadei Simona” Professional firm in Forlì, operating within permanent make-up and tattoo art.

2003 Founder, together with her colleagues operating in the sector (10/15 years’ experience), of “A.T.E.C.”, Aesthetic and Corrective Tattoo Association, the first Italian permanent make-up Association.

2004 Participation – as an A.T.E.C Founding Member – in the Congress: “Les Nouvelles Estetiques” held in Milan and in Bari.

2005 Participation – as an A.T.E.C Founding Member – in “Cosmoprof” held in Bologna and in the Congress: “Les Nouvelles Estetiques” held in Milan.

2006 Participation in the Fair of Aesthetics of Rome and in “Cosmoprof” held in Bologna – as an A.T.E.C Founding Member.

Organizer as an A.T.E.C Founding Member – of the First Italian Micropigmentation Congress named “THE COLOURS OF BEAUTY” promoted by A.T.E.C. in Cattolica.

2007/2010 Organizer as an A.T.E.C Founding Member – of the 2°, 3°, 4° and 5° Italian Micropigmentation Congress:

2007 “THE COLOURS OF BEAUTY” promoted by A.T.E.C. in Cattolica.

2008 “THE COLOURS OF BEAUTY” promoted by A.T.E.C. in Cattolica.

2009 “HOW TO CREATE BEAUTY” promoted by A.T.E.C. in Pisa and by CNA “Benessere e sanità (Wealth and Health)”.

2010 “TATTOO AS A SOLUTION” promoted by A.T.E.C. in Rome.

2016 I began as an Author in the first edition of the “Manual of hygiene – Complete guide to operate in: aesthetics, permanent make-up, tattoo and piercing”; I have registered all my rights and deposited the copyright of my manual © in Italy and in the world.

In the years, the contents of my manual have been checked, updated and enriched in order for them to be perfect and provide total safety.

2017 In the second edition, the chapters dealing with scientific topics were reviewed by Doctors specialized in Hygiene and Public Health and my manual was translated into English: “Hygiene and Safety – Complete guidelines for: aesthetic treatment, permanent make-up, tattoos, piercing”.

2018 In the third edition, the sanitary-hygiene topics and those regarding waste were reviewed by Doctor Aurelia Fonda, surgeon, specialized in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine, employed within the Ministry of Health..

Presentation in Spain of the books “Manual of hygiene” and “Hygiene and Safety” by number-one piercer Bruno Valsecchi at “Contaminaciòn Cruzada”, held in Madrid on the 20th-21st-22nd April.

Interview “Hygiene in tattoo and permanent make-up” released to the journalist Livia Ventimiglia on Radio Cusano Campus on the 26th April.

3NTINI Editions mention “Manual of hygiene” in the Review at page 161 n. 75 of “Unghie & bellezza (Nails and Beauty) (June/July) and my participation as a Competition Judge – Inspector of Hygiene in “Permanent Make-up and Microblading Masterstars” Champioship held on the 30th June in Rome in “Unghie & bellezza (Nails and Beauty) n. 76 (August/September) page 117. At page 193 my manual appears as one of the mostly suggested works.

Competition Judge – Inspector of Hygiene in “Permanent Make-up and Microblading Masterstars” Champioship held on the 30th June in Rome, organized by Jurgita Jasiunaite, Anna Maria Finelli and Valentina Tecchio. I was the Only Judge in the competition.

Rapporteur at “Permanent Make-up and Microblading Masterclass” Congress held in Rome on the 1° July, together with the World Top (David Zhang, Jelena Voroneckaja, Magda Mazurek, Oksana Martynenko, Jenya Denizeri, Veronika Linute, Anna Maria Finelli, Jurgita Jasiunaite, Valentina Tecchio, Valentina Montenapoleone, Andrea Calubini). In this occasion I announced for the first time the 2 amazing acknowledgements obtained by my “Manual of Hygiene”, extremely important in Italy, in Europe and in the World!

Rapporteur at Congresses, Conventions, Fairs, Events in the sector and Competition Judge as an Inspector of Hygiene in International Championships of Permanent Make-up and Microblading.

I have collaborated with several magazines dealing with aesthetics, make-up and nail art, by writing articles on the innovations in the sector.

In the third edition of “Manual of hygiene – Complete guide to operate in: aesthetics, permanent make-up, tattoo and piercing”, printed in September, the following parts were added:
1) Introduction to the Manual by Doctor Aurelia Fonda – operating within the Ministry of Health as General Manager of RAPEX, European Alert System Sanitary Prevention, who reviewed its hygiene, health and waste topics;
2) an Introduction of my work by Laura Grilli, employed within CEPEC – European Confederation of Professional Beauticians and Cosmeticians (currently including Cipro, France, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Spain, Slovenia, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, and member of U.E.A.P.M.E. – European Association of Craft, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises), who found my book a useful and necessary tool, therefore authorizing me to use CEPEC LOGO within my future works.

In the fourth edition of april 2022, the ADDENDUM was updated with the new CHAPTER 16 – APPENDIX “PROTOCOLS TO WORK IN SAFETY / ANTI-CONTAGION MEASURES FROM COVID-19 IN THE CENTERS OF: AESTHETICS – PERMANENT MAKE-UP / TATTOO – PIERCING” by Simona Casadei, updated on July 2022 in DIGITAL VERSION to provide a fundamental GUIDE to the entire sector. Chapter 16 is in Italian but there is the possibility of translating it into other languages.

I was a speaker at congresses, conferences, fairs and events of the sector and hygiene inspector in the International Competitions of Microblading and Permanent Make-up.

In recent years, I worked with several aesthetics, make-up and nail art magazines, writing articles on industry news.

My aim is to spread the hygiene message over the world of aesthetics, permanent make-up, tattoo and piercing, by divulgating all the secrets I have acquired over so many years of experience in the sector.

I have a thousand new projects for the future, always in the field of permanent make-up!